Friday, October 31, 2008

Goblins and Ghouls!

Happy Halloween!
I love answering my door to see what goblins and ghouls are visiting me! Princesses, Grim Reaper, witches, Power Rangers (well...maybe not but I am not up on the current cartoons since all my kids are grown but they kinda looked like Power Rangers), etc. I even had "Slash" from Guns 'n Roses! I could not believe the 10 year old who was dressed up as him even knew who he was!

I always look forward to seeing the two boys who live next door (pictured below). Phillip (far right) would be upset that the flash allowed me to see his face...or would he? He IS smiling for the camera, after all!

Elijah threw together a wizard outfit in about 5 minutes from some stuff we found in the attic. Do wizards use cellphones? I guess the wizard on the Verizon commerical why can't this wizard?

My cousins always come by the house to see me! I love it when they come! Their older sister is too old to trick or treat now and so I just get the two younger ones! Aren't they cute? Too much fun!

Just had two more trick or treaters ring the doorbell. Buzz Lightyear was so tired that he was leaning against his grandmother saying "I'm tired...can we finish now?"


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