Saturday, May 10, 2008

Start Blogging for Heavens-Sake!!

So...I figured it is about time that I entered the world of blogging. I hope to communicate to my family and friends all things random and yet important to me...thoughts on life, family events and faith.

The most recent thing that has happened around here is Junior Prom 2008!

Elijah, my youngest, attended the Prom this past Friday night with his girlfriend Sarah.

He had a wonderful time! They sure looked good, didn't they? Sarah's sister Shannon and her date came to the house for pictures, too!good kids. good times.


Beth said...

...and good girl, for FINALLY STEPPING UP AND BLOGGING!!!

Welcome - glad to make the first comment!!!!

Bill said...

Any friend of Beth....and Beth's a friend of ours!! Love the heading of your blog (we are birders and gardners). I met Beth through her blog and got to visit her and the family several weeks ago. We too find it a neat way to track our lives and communicate with family and friends. Pat and I will be checking in. Feel free to stop by and visit us here in Ohio or here...

vicki said...

Jackie, loved the pictures!!! The beautiful bird looks like a postcard picture. Beth turned me on to your site. I have two sons and a husband. Sometimes all that testosterone gets to be overwhelming and sometimes it's nice to be loved and protected by all those guys. I loved the prom pics and enjoyed the blog!

Jackie said...

Thanks Vicki and thanks Bill! My new friends...this is fun!